Do you think 95% of people believe in God

Monday, August 12, 2013

life is complicated , how to simplify life and make it easier ?

while doing my quite time and read about Rick Warren's insight that inspired me and let me share it over here ...
Your choices are far more powerful than your circumstances. You may not like how complicated your life has become yet (with few exceptions) no one is forcing you to keep your life complicated.
You have the power to simplify your life. In fact, God expects us to assume responsibility for our lives and to carefully choose how we spend our time.
Galatians 6: 5For we are each responsible for our own conduct.
Simplifying is really about choices - prioritizing what is important - and then sticking to those choices no matter how tempting it is to add more to your to-do list. In fact, take those tempting activities and put them on a list of things not to do.
You are the only one who can assume responsibility for your time and clarify what's really important to you.
You have just enough time to do God's will while you're here on earth. You've been given just enough time to fulfill your purpose. When you try to do more than God planned for you, it's only natural that you'll find yourself constantly out of time or stressed over your schedule.

Saturday, August 10, 2013







學生再次掙扎於更高難度的技巧挑戰。第三週,更難的樂譜又出現了,同樣的情形持續著,學生每次在課堂上都被一份新的樂譜剋死,然後把它帶回去練習,接著再 回到課堂上,重新面臨難上兩倍的樂譜,卻怎麼樣都追不上進度,一點也沒有因為上週的練習而有駕輕就熟的感覺,學生感到愈來愈不安、沮喪及氣餒。


教授沒開口,他抽出了最早的第一份樂譜,交給學生。 「彈奏吧!」他以堅定的眼神望著學生。不可思議的事發生了,連學生自己都訝異萬分,他居然可以將這首曲子彈奏得如此美妙、如此精湛!





Our service

Leader :kalmen/Huey sim
mobile : +60167737850/+60127727850
16A & 16B,Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3
Taman Sutera Utama,81300 Skudai,JB
(2 minutes from Sutera Mall)
Saturday service :
From 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Mid week service
Friday : 8:00 p.m. Church meeting


(Based on Good enough parenting)
Married counseling
(Based on I choose you)