Do you think 95% of people believe in God

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Those who love money will never have enough , true ?

Ecc 5:10  Those who love money will never have enough. How absurd to think that wealth brings true happiness!

Be careful with the verse , it is LOVE of money NOT those who have money ! you can have money but don't love money , or you can have NO money but love money , your mind , heart and soul think about money all the time , money set your life priority , money drive and run your soul ...

So you decide whether love money will never have enough whether is true or not by first and foremost decide whether you love money ...

Two is better than one!

Ecc 4:9  Two people can accomplish more than twice as much as one; they get a better return for their labor.
Ecc 4:10  If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But people who are alone when they fall are in real trouble.
Ecc 4:11  And on a cold night, two under the same blanket can gain warmth from each other. But how can one be warm alone?
Ecc 4:12  A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.

In your work , who is your partner ?

In your spiritual life , who is your partner ?

So that when you fall which , as expected , anything can fall will fall some how , be it serious or simple and it will be challenging when you fall alone and no one help you to pick up yourself ?

As the bible said , it is good to have two or better is three ... one can be your spouse , your co-worker and i proposed another one is God , what say you ? if interested ,we JBCF love to share with you the idea and contact us ...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Parenting in digital age

Pro 22:6  Teach your children to choose the right path, and when they are older, they will remain upon it.

How can we achieved this wise expectation from God in our modern and digital age ?

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Project 52 days -inspired by Nehemiah

A few weeks ago , we talked about How important dreams and visions in our life and we listed down
some of our dream... 

A challenge to our own comfort zone and a revival for our soul , I appreciate all the bro and sis that has committed themselves in serving and growing their faith and love for God ...

Here are the lists ( from 15 Aug till 7 Oct ) , whoever know us , do pray for us that God can deliver
victory over our desire to step up our faith !

Here goes ...

Michelle Kee - bear fruits within 52 days , some of the friends that I am reaching can come to church
                     (Jie Li,Lisa ,Fong Chun,Mrs Wong,Chien Wong,Mrs Tan,Mrs Heng,Moon,)
                     - Friend's children , i can invite them to come to join our children English class on Saturday.
                     - Single sister over night prayer can be fruitful , can have open person wish to study the bible
Mike Loo - within 52 days  write 10 cards to encourage Bro / Sis.

Gary Cheong - within 52 days , every week send 3 messages to encourage Bro / Sis
Edwin - within 52 days , write cards to encourage all SINGLE bro / sis
Tien Long - within 52 days , bring someone to church and make myself more
              opportunity to reach out!
Eric Lee - within 52 days , on every weeks , spend time with a brother to do QT together.
Victor - within 52 days , let me organize a bible talk in my home or church and
              write 2 cards to encourage  someone
Catherine Ho - within 52 days , share my good news in my blog at least once a week
      and every week  encourage at least 3 bro / sis.
Lee Yen - within 52 days , build a worship ministry with spiritual and sincerity to lead.

more to come ...

updated : 2010/08/31

Erica Chew - write cards to encourage someone every two week , Pray from 5:30 to 6am every friday.
Alice Ong - Reach out to neighbour & try inviting them to church within this 52 days...
Selene - Bring 1 person , write cards to 10 person , try to help Hope WW to find people. within this
      52 days.
Auntie Leong - bring my grand children , SiMeng and Joey to come to attend/join the english class
YaSiang- Pray for Ah hong and wish to invite him to come to church
Pauline - To write encouragement cards to at least 5 bro/sis every week
Sandy - To write cards to encourage 2 person a week and pray for the lost.
MeiFong - Pray with Sister around my area once a week
Jessica - Bring 1-2 children to english class / friends to church
LeeYong - Fast Coffee once a week
Audrey - bring 1 friend to church
Pris - write 5 cards and bring 1 friend
Lee San - Pray for the church to grow daily @ 10pm
Kyee Nee - write card to all married couples , arrange 2 dating with 2 couples , invite 1 friend for
    sunday service
Pei Ting - Pray for the brothers.
Lee Yen - Help Song ministry to build a team that lead with sincere faith .
Jessie - Write cards to all JBCF x'tians.
YeongLiSan - Invite 2 friends to Church.

just as Ezra 3:8 ...The work force was made up of everyone who had returned from exile,
where God has stirred their hearts ,
may God  will also stir all our hearts to build a growing church to glorify his name !

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In today , modern context ...

When i was reading the book of Nehemiah , Chapter 13 , it mentioned not everybody can enter into the temple court and Nehemiah even used Solomon as an example that because he compromised the standard of God , that has caused him to sin ... in our churches as we embraces the world how much convictions or will we react if we know that we have compromised God's standard ?

Nehemiah reacted as mentioned in V8 - V9 , restore everyone responsibilities , put trustworthy people in charge , along his responses and execution of his followup after the completion of the wall in 52 days , the bible mentioned that he continue pray , and he confronted the leaders who did not follow God's commands (V19), then he further noticed about working on Sabbath day and enforced the loosen expectation ...

then Nehemiah continues his follow up in inter-marriage among themselves and making sure that levites and priests doing God's will and in fact he go into expecting people bringing their offering on time...

Everything that Nehemiah did , served as a reminder for us whether we are leaders or non leaders today, THE MODERN CONTEXT that as a person who are not working as a full time minister that ...

when it comes to sunday service , church commitment most importantly God's standard, are we absolutely have convictions, having totally clear conscious that we do not compromise and give valid excuses to ourselves and to the people that we leading ?

it challenged me as well as inspired me to lead JBCF to start our mini 52 days spiritual dream revival project from 15/Aug to  7/Oct , for myself , my goal is to get everyone in JBCF to start our spiritual dream again.
And for myself , it will be a daily praying for the goal to be able to achieve !

Friday, July 23, 2010

How important dream means to us ?

Eric , Psalm 126 , dream can inspire me with hope no matter how much tears ...

Chew Keng @Root ,dream and hope help me to smile to face my day !

Victor @nagayong , dream helps me to grow and be firm with God !

Choon Hiang ,有梦想我才能够预备好自己去面对神.

Mei Fong @Kimberley , 对神的信心是我梦想的泉源;而梦想是我的推动力.

Yu Fong @Sunlitseagull , 海鸥飞的高看得远,因她心存梦想有目标就有方向...

Michael Loo ,有梦想就有方向; 有梦想就有盼望;神就是我的希望.

lyenleo :会作的人,才会要实现它!.这就是梦想!

Cat@Catherine:  梦想使我在低落的时候,仍然坚持,仍然不放弃!

Jessie : Dream keep me fight on !

LiSan : Without dream men shall perish !

Jessica : 梦想是启发生命的源点, 使我在信心和行为上得到肯定.

Huey Sim:  Proverb 29 :18 , 没 冇 异 象  , 民 就 放 肆 ; 惟 遵 守 律 法 的 , 便 为 冇 福 .

Monday, May 31, 2010

What does it mean to have the fear of God?

Fear of God , confused ? ... well if you want to find out what is fear of God , this is a very good article!

What does it mean to have the fear of God?

Saturday, May 8, 2010

why don't you try to change God's mind?

We may not always be possible to change God's mind but it is not totally impossible , Abraham,  Moses , Joshua , Elijah ... and many people in the bible did it !

as a father , we may failed in many areas and in fact we may be able to see that our children foolishness and we missed our time where we suppose to do something to discipline them where we didn't and end up they grow up not glorifying God and we , if study the bible we know God's standard and it will end up a cursed live ...

in 1 Sam 3:1 ~ 18 , we know Eli knew his sons is rebellious (1Sa 2:22  Now Eli was very old, but he was aware of what his sons were doing to the people of Israel. He knew...) , but after he heard what Samuel told him in  1Sa 3:18  So Samuel told Eli everything; he didn't hold anything back. "It is the LORD's will," Eli replied. "Let him do what he thinks best." ,

Eli only responded look like submission or so called surrender to God's will "Let God do what he thinks best" but the truth is he has no "determination" , "no passion" and "no love" for him to at least "KEEP ON TRYING TO BEG GOD FOR MERCY" and try his very best to fight till the end ...

we read these ... but have we too learn the lesson "never stop trying to ask God for our family salvation ?"

Crossing over

Joh 5:24  "I assure you, those who listen to my message and believe in God who sent me have eternal life. They will never be condemned for their sins, but they have already passed from death into life.

We have passed from death into life , do we have deep conviction about this ?

Do you wanna get well ?

John 5 : 1 ~ 8 , If I am lame for 38 years , either i become SOOOooo deperate to get heal or i look at a negative perspective ,"no way" ...

sometimes when we or our character are too negative and if we do not change , we cannot see God is offering help and we cannot hear what God is trying to say .

so today is your decision , do you want to get heal SPIRITUALLY ? then start to read God's word instead of complaining or mourning !

of course we may know that in our character , sometimes our upbringing and environment do effect us... something that we are learning more from

Schema therapy is an innovative psychotherapy developed by Dr. Jeffrey Young . 

stay tune for more about this... in spiritual perspective for schema ...

Our service

Leader :kalmen/Huey sim
mobile : +60167737850/+60127727850
16A & 16B,Jalan Sutera Tanjung 8/3
Taman Sutera Utama,81300 Skudai,JB
(2 minutes from Sutera Mall)
Saturday service :
From 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m.
Mid week service
Friday : 8:00 p.m. Church meeting


(Based on Good enough parenting)
Married counseling
(Based on I choose you)